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This help desk is a free resource intended for discussion purposes only. Neither BOMA, its chapters, affiliates, or Extreme Measures Inc.® are responsible for the information, comments or opinions expressed herein. For complete information, refer to the official publications of the standards themselves.

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BOMA for Office Overview
BOMA for Industrial Overview
BOMA for Retail Overview
BOMA Multi-Unit Residential / Multi-Family and Hospitality Properties Overview
BOMA Mixed-Use Overview
BOMA Gross Areas Overview
IPMS for Office Overview
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When to use BOMA Office or BOMA Store Area Calculation

Shannon Aldridge
Target Land Surveying Ltd.
August 4, 2011

I have an office space but the landlord has used the BOMA STORE calculation, which makes it bigger than it would be if they used BOMA Office. They gave me the drawing and area calculation after I already signed the lease so I found out it was wrong after signing the lease and now I want them to change it to what it should be.
The person who signed the plan (claiming to be a BOMA certified professional) called it a store area using the following wording: "we hereby certify that the usable area of this store area is ... Square feet" The difference between office and store is about (% so it makes a big difference.
I require a professional opinion on this matter and would like to know if there is such thing as a BOMA CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL? The local BOMA group which I have applied to join say that they do not know of such a designation and suggested I ask the International organization if someone can become a BOMA CERTIFIED Professional?
Thank you very much for your help.

Adam Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
August 5, 2011


According to our sources at BOMA International, there is no such thing as a "BOMA Certified Professional".

I hope this helps.

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