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2019 BOMA Industrial - Breezeway - Rentable Area?

K. Schwanke
KES Surveys Inc
January 4, 2023

I'm working on two large industrial fabrication buildings that are joined together by a covered breezeway. The joined buildings form a T. The covered breezeway roof is the extension of one of the buildings and matches into the roof of the 2nd building. A portion of the walls of the two buildings line through from building to building on either end of the breezeway and the buildings share common support column alignment. There's a 20 TON crane running under the breezeway roof into the fabrication bays of both buildings. The breezeway has a concrete floor between the buildings. They are big buildings with doors facing the breezeway that are 30' high and 30' wide. Can the breezeway be considered rentable area? The breezeway is about 2600 sq. ft.

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
January 9, 2023


Based on my interpretation of your description, most likely the area can be included in the rentable area. The BOMA 2019 industrial standard relies on a concept known as "Industrial Activities" to determine if a wall-less roofed area can be included. If the area under the covered breezeway roof is a "Permanent Floor" constructed to support "Industrial Activities" according to the definitions within the standard, then the area should be included.


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