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This help desk is a free resource intended for discussion purposes only. Neither BOMA, its chapters, affiliates, or Extreme Measures Inc.® are responsible for the information, comments or opinions expressed herein. For complete information, refer to the official publications of the standards themselves.

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BOMA for Office Overview
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BOMA Multi-Unit Residential / Multi-Family and Hospitality Properties Overview
BOMA Mixed-Use Overview
BOMA Gross Areas Overview
IPMS for Office Overview
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Method A

Nicolas Pacella
Nicolas M Pacella & Associates
January 3, 2011

I am not sure what you mean when you state only Building Amenity Areas (and of course Tenant Areas) are grossed-up by Floor Service and Amenity Areas. Are they multiplied by the load factor?

Adam Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
January 3, 2011

To clarify, we are talking about BOMA 2010, Method A.

Building Amenity Areas and Occupant Areas are multiplied by the R/U Ratio and then by the R/O Ratio. The product of both the R/U and R/O is called Load Factor A.

I 'm guessing that the confusion in this case stems from our use of the term "gross-up", which is used to mean load factor in some marketplaces. Sorry if this was not immediately clear.

Nicolas Pacella
Nicolas M Pacella & Associates
January 4, 2011

Thanks Adam. Yeah, that was the source of my confusion. I think I am going to use Method B. The building used to be a single occupant and a lot of the space is dedicated to amenities (i.e. cafeteria, dining, fitness center and lockers) which are on the first floor. That is where all the building service areas as well as S/R are located so the entire floor is a loss to usable.

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