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USF and Method B

Modern Out West
April 21, 2022

I've used 2017 Method B for a multi-tenant office building. I'm trying to understand how USF and RSF factor in from a leasing perspective, our landlord and brokers are asking for just these numbers specifically.

As I understand it... on a multi-tenant floor USF refers to Occupant Area (not including any major vertical penetrations, floor service areas, or base building circulation). On a single tenant floor USF refers to Occupant Area as well as floor service areas and base building circulation.

Is this accurate when using BOMA Method B? From what I've read in the BOMA text, reclassifying BBC and FSA as tenant area will affect the load factor for every tenant in the building. Am I misunderstanding or are BOMA and leasing practices for figuring RSF two completely different monsters?

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
April 28, 2022

Hi Candice,

Sorry for the delay. Under Method B, there should be no difference in the calculations or what is included/excluded between a single-tenant floor and a multi-tenant floor. Each floor will have non-circulation Service and Amenity Area, Tenant Areas, and Base Building Circulation. I would think that the Landlord would be most interested in the Rentable Area (column L) and The Occupant Area (column H). When you divide L from H, you will get the Load Factor for the tenant, which consequently is the same for every tenant in the building under Method B.

If you make any changes to Base Building Circulation or Floor Service Area on any floor, both of which should not really change under Method B, then this will have an impact on every tenant in the building because Load Factor B will change.

I hope this helps.


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