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Base Building Circulation or Building Service Area - basement circulation

Modern Out West
March 15, 2022

I'm using Method B on the Basement Level of a multi-story building. The level consists of a Building Amenity Area, Occupant Storage Areas, Floor Service Areas, Tenant Areas and Building Service Areas. Would the main circulation areas be considered Base Building Circulation or Building Service Area? The main entrance and lobby are located on the floor above.

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
March 21, 2022

Hi Candice,

It's difficult to say exactly without seeing the floor plan, but in general, Base Building Circulation should be drawn on every tenanted floor. The standard does state an exception:

On some Occupant Floors (especially Publicly Accessible Floors), BBC will not be
applicable if access to Tenant Areas is provided via Building Service Area and the
extents of Tenant Areas are unlikely to change over time.

Base Building Circulation (BBC) should only be drawn in areas that are not permanent, so consider including BBC within any existing non-permanent multi-occupant corridors and other non-permanent areas that could provide multi-occupant circulation where there are no corridors currently.


Douglas Leon
Cogent Optics
January 15, 2025

Can BBC be used to calculate the area under covered walk ways? I understand that BOMA is not a standard of law, but merely a guideline for communication.

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
January 16, 2025

Hi Douglas,

Yes BBC can be used under a covered walkway, but there are several rules and limitations to how wide the BBC path can be and to what areas that path can extend to.


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