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Method B - building vs. floor service and amenity areas

jenna duitsman
nehring design
July 21, 2010

The sample chart on page 63/64 (of Office Buildings: Standard Methods of Measurement) indicates that all serive and amenity areas are calculated in the matrix as one number. However, on page 56, the sample diagram shows all service and amenity areas shaded as separate entities. The service and amenity areas are calculated by formula on the chart, so how can you tell what is floor vs. building or service vs. amenity? Are we supposed to provide footnotes to disclose this information? Additionally, do we include footnotes indicating restricted headroom, connectors and/or voids as well? Instructions ask us to calculate all of these things separately for "full disclosure" but I'm not sure where we should include it. Please call me as soon as possible to discuss as we have a deadline tomorrow afternoon.

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
July 22, 2010

Hi Jenna

We create a space id (similar to a tenant) for each of the "Service & Amenity Areas".

So you could have a "Building Amenity Area", "Building Service Area" and "Floor Service Area" Space ID (row), with each corresponding aggregate area falling under the "Service & Amenity Areas" column.

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