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Leasing Office

Studio Whitebox
August 3, 2020


I am working on documenting a 22 building business campus, each single story, and considered to be flex spaces. Each building contains a range of suites with no common area and has its own mechanical room. The leasing office is located in building 1 and is roughly 1000sqft and features a conference room that is available to all tenants. The landlord would like to allocate this area to the the rentable squarefootage to all 22 bldgs if possible.


- Per section 2.2 Space Classifications_Building Service Area of the 2019 BOMA Industrial, it states building operations/offices are considered. Would a leasing office qualify?

- if so, does the entire area of the leasing office get applied to the global summary formula per buidling, or does the leasing office area need to be divided evenly by the building count?

- does the conference room within the leasing office need to technically be classified as Building Amenity Area?

- if so, similar to the leasing office question above, does the area need to be divided by the building count before adding it to the global summary?

- If none of the above applies, is there another BOMA version or other methodology that would be recommended to apply for this scenerio?


David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
August 4, 2020

Hi Irving,

Yes the leasing office could be building service area or building amenity area. It would be a Service Area if it is Permanent in nature (unlikely to change) and and Amenity Area if it is non-Permanent in nature and convertible to an Occupant Area.

In order to calculate the proportionate share of the conference room and/or leasing office across multiple buildings in a campus, you would need to use Inter-Building Areas as described in the Advanced Concepts section of the 2019 Industrial Standard. The room(s) would be proportionately allocated to all the Occupants who benefit from those spaces across multiple buildings according to the Multi-Occupant Rentable Area(s) of each Occupant. Each building would still have its own Global Summary of Areas, but they would be connected in the sense that they share these areas.

The 2019 BOMA Industrial Standard is designed to accommodate this exact scenario. Please refer to the Advanced Concepts section.


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