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Roof Overhangs

Irving Gatica
Self Employed
June 16, 2020


I am drawing as-builts for a single story multi tenant building with a 3ft roof overhang and sidewalk around the perimeter. The building has an interior common corridor, restrooms, and conference room that is utilized by all tenants.

First, it is my understanding that this building qualifies to use the BOMA 2017 Office method B, correct?

Second, each tenant has a storefront with a private exterior door access to the building's perimeter sidewalk. Should I include the 3ft roof overhang as part of the "exterior circulation" and count this towards the overall building area?

I look forward to your response.

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
June 17, 2020

HI Irving,

1. You may use Method A or Method B for any office building.

2. If there is internal circulation, you should not use "Unenclosed Occupant Circulation". I would recommend reading 3.1 Boundary Conditions, Unenclosed Occupant Circulation within the BOMA Office 2017 document to confirm if your building qualifies.


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