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BOMA measurements at existing building with additional restroom space

Elisabeth Palmer
Interprise Design
June 9, 2020

We have field verified an existing two story building and are now doing the measurements and chart. BOMA office standard 2017 Method B.
The building was originally for a single tenant with more men than women working in the building. On the first floor they have enlarged the men's restrooms and on the second floor they added a second men's restroom. The building is now being used by multiple tenants and the restrooms are all accessible to all tenants.
For the BOMA chart should we calculate:
A. what would be the typical restroom size on the first floor and only one of the restrooms for the service and amenity area? And consider the additional restroom space as occupant/tenant area that is allocated with a secondary calculation to the tenants?
B calculate as the existing condition, considering all of the built our restrooms as services and amenity area?

or is that really more up to the building owner what their preference is?


David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
June 10, 2020

Hi Elisabeth

The BOMA 2017 Office Standard has a "Special Conditions" section and "Dedicated Restrooms" is one of the conditions which should provide your answer.

In general, you will need to determine if the restrooms are of a Permanent nature as per the definition of Permanent in the standard. Any restrooms that are Permanent should be a service area (either Floor Service Area or Inter-Building Service Area). Non-Permanent Restrooms can be Tenant Area.

I recommend reviewing the standard for more details.


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