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Modular security check points and warehouse

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
February 10, 2020


I. My client is the owner of one warehouse building and three small
security check point buildings. All four buildings are located on the
same single industrial site. The client insists on considering these
four buildings an Industrial Campus and wants to allocate the area of
security check point buildings to the tenants occupying the warehouse

It is stated in the ANSI/BOMA Z65.2-2012 that "Campus" should consist
of two or more separate Industrial Buildings. On the one hand, the
security check point itself is not an industrial building. On the
other hand, it serves as site security office and is involved in the
industrial activity of transportation of goods.

Does the Standard assume, that security check points and warehouse
comprise the Campus?

II. Site security check point buildings are modular buildings in this
case.( http://www.containex.com/en )They were produced on a special
plant and delivered on site as completed buildings. Are these modular
buildings considered Buildings according to the definition in
ANSI/BOMA Z65.2-2012? They are permanent, as stated in the Standard,
but they could be relocated in the future without demolition. Does the
Standard allow to measure the area of these modular security check
point buildings?


i) I believe it is a reasonable interpretation of the standard to include and allocate the security checkpoint structures to the occupants of the warehouse building.

ii) From your description, I believe it would be acceptable to include the modular buildings. There's nothing in the standard preventing a modular building from being included as long as it fits within the definition of "Building" found in the standard.


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