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Base Building Circulation & Extra Egress Stairs

Amber Lake
Method Studio
November 18, 2019

How do you calculate base building circulation (Method B) for a building that has an additional egress stair (not required by code)? In figuring base building circulation we show the length of the corridor to all major vertical penetrations. However, occupant areas on each floor have access to MVP within their space. In this case, could base building circulation be reduced to just a central area OR do we need to provide a pathway to all major vertical penetrations? Any insights would be greatly appreciated. I am happy to provide an screen shot of the area if needed. Thanks in advance.

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
November 19, 2019

Hi Amber,

The text in the standard specifically says that Base Building Circulation "is the minimum continuous path needed to provide passage from Occupant Areas to essential Circulation, Service and Amenity areas on every applicable single tenant or multi-tenant Floor."

The key word to note in reference to your question is "essential". If the additional egress stair is not essential (since it is not required by code), I would not include the BBC path to those stairs. It's recommended to keep BBC as minimal as possible.


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