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Building Service VS. Floor Service

Melissa Hannam
PHB Group Inc.
May 10, 2010

On a floor, that is NOT the main entrance floor but the level below, there are number of different building service spaces (elevator machine room, trash room, etc.) Would the corridor on this level be considered floor service or building service? Typically I would think it to be floor service but in this case you need to use this corridor to access the building service spaces so therefore would it too be a building service space? (Note that this corridor does lead to the exterior of the building but is not a required path of egress from the main level )

Thanks...I hope my question is clear,

Adam Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
May 11, 2010


The Standard does not really provide clear instruction on "how to" distinguish between Building Service Areas and Floor Service Areas (in most cases it is self-evident).

The corridor you describe predominantly serves other Building Service Areas. As such, you should consider the corridor Building Service Area as well. In contrast, most Floor Service Area corridors serve normal tenant circulation functions on floors where they occur.

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