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Inter-Building method A - Load factor seems too low

Robin Menge
GTM Architects
November 19, 2018

Just completed my first multi bldg calculation. Three bldg campus, all amenities are in one bldg. Completed a spreadsheet for each building and the IBAA. After plugging the IBLF back into each bldg's spreadsheet, the load factor seems too low for both single and multi-tenant floors.
The error checking suggestion in section 5.1 of the guide doesn't make sense and isn't consistent with the example spreadsheet.
I believe my formulas are all entered correctly, and the input data has been checked 3 times. What are ways to find out the error?

thank you,

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
November 19, 2018

Hi Robin,

When you say that you plugged the IBLF back into the spreadsheet, can you provide more details? Are you multiplying the IBLF Load Factors to the appropriate Space ID's in the Rentable Area column?

Also, the error checking found in Section 5.1 (Page 93) does make sense. If everything is done correctly, the results of Floor Rentable Area, Rentable Area and Reallocated Rentable Area should all be equal. In your case, because you have a multi-building set / complex, your error checking must include the complex totals of each of those columns.


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