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Level 1 Retail, 2-14 Office

Cesar Chacon
Harrison French and Associates
October 10, 2018

First floor will follow the GLA method correct? As it is retail. The first floor does have areas that serve the whole building. How do I carry that Building Service SF to the remaining Floor levels? Do I? or do I just remove the first floor from the calculations?

Should I just use the Office Standards? If so how would that solve my question?

Thank you so much!

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
October 11, 2018

Hi Cesar,

You should use the BOMA Office Standards since this is simply an Office Building with retail on the main level. It's primary function is an Office Building and therefore shouldn't be considered a Mixed-Use property. I would recommend using the latest BOMA Office 2017 standard. Although there are several nuances and you will need to study the standard itself, in most cases, the retail tenants are measured the same as office tenants and are allocated a proportionate share of common areas in the building, just like an office tenant.


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