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MVP vs. Base Building Circulation (BCC) calculations

Henri Cox
ST Franchising Systems LLC
September 26, 2018


The case is an 18 floor office building with 2 stairwells serving each floor and a set of elevators. Some floors have a single occupant and others have multi occupants.

1. I am using BOMA 2010 (specifically Chart 3, Single Load Factor Worksheet - Method B.)
2. BCC definition includes, among others, access stairs, escalators and elevators
3. MVP definition includes, among others, stairs and elevators.

The MVP area is deducted from IGA (Column C). But a sub-set of MVP (i.e. stairwells and elevators) must be added back as Base Building Circulation (BCC) (Column I).

So it seems to me #3 and #4 appear to contradict each other or at least overlap. This would suggest that the floor area of stairwells ought to be included in CAM. Am I missing something?


David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
September 27, 2018

Hi Henri,

Base Building Circulation (BBC) does not absorb any MVP areas. The requirement of BBC is to establish Base Building Circulation so that it extends to (but not within) service areas and ingress/egress areas, including stairwells and elevators. MVP is always deducted from the rentable area. Also, the rentable area of a building using Method A is the same as the rentable area using Method B.


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