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3.3 Special Conditions Clarification

Michael Brush
Plunkett Raysich Architects
July 27, 2018

Section 3.3, Page 58 of the "BOMA 2017 for Office Buildings" says,

"Structural columns (and other building support systems necessary to the building) occurring along the building enclosure which protrude toward the interior of the building are ignored..."

We have a tilt-up concrete facade consisting of 11' wide windows where the glass is the dominant portion, and a 4' wide solid concrete walls between that protrudes 8" or so into the space. These concrete walls are a sandwich panel consisting of an 8" structural layer, 3" of rigid insulation, and a 3" concrete finish layer. There are no exterior columns. The structure bears on the exterior sandwich panels.

I thought the dominant portion of the solid concrete walls should be the interior surface of the wall, as shown in ill. 34h, but the "other building support systems" phrase from above makes me wonder if the 8" portion of the sandwich panel (the structural layer), should actually be included in the Boundary Area.

Please clarify.

Thank you!

Michael Brush, AIA

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
July 31, 2018

Hi Michael,

Please send a plan, photo or rendering of this condition to mail@xmeasures.com.


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