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Mail Conveyers and Chutes

Brett Butler
August 26, 2015

We have many buildings that have Mail Conveyers and Chutes! Some buildings are multi-Tenant, some are single Tenant. The Mail Conveyer systems may or may not be currently used in all the buildings! What space Catagory should they be outlined as?


Adam Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
August 27, 2015

Hi Brett,

Mail conveyors and chutes are not covered by the Standard, nor is anything similar in nature. In the case of horizontally installed systems at floor or ceiling, these have no impact on floor area - simply ignore them. In the case of vertical systems that penetrate the slabs/levels of a building, you need to decide if these constitute Major Vertical Penetrations or Occupant Voids.

In my opinion these vertical conveyors should probably be Occupant Voids as they are basically tenant improvements and could be removed from the building without impacting the functionality of the building (such as access, egress, hvac, etc).

As Occupant Voids, the area of openings are documented under the Standard, but are not removed from Occupant or Rentable Area.

Hope this helps.

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