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Upper Floor Perimeter Wall IGA Placement

April 8, 2015

The situation involves a perimeter wall on floors above the ground level which consists of a span of windows separated by an equal width span of drywall that is flush with the window-line and which covers a hollow space created by the exterior wall jutting out beyond the window line, between the windows. If the drywall were removed and the hollow space enclosed by the exterior wall were dry walled flush to the inside surface of the perimeter wall, could that space be included in the Occupant Area with the IGA placed to the new inside finished surface of the "nook" created?
The hollow space currently has an opening in the floor which the landlord intends to cover to make the "nook" useable space for tenants.

Thanks very much,
John Kuczura.

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
April 22, 2015

Hi John,

Yes, the new space can be included in the IGA as long as it meets all of the conditions required to be IGA.


April 22, 2015

Thanks David.

April 24, 2015


It turns out some of the protrusions on the perimeter wall have water pipes running through which feed the perimeter radiant heat. Can this space be considered floor service area similar to the plumbing chases between restrooms in the core?


David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
April 28, 2015

Hi John,

Could you please send a plan illustrating this condition to mail@xmeasures.com?


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