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BOMA Method "A" Questions

Bryan Whitley
Charleston County
April 6, 2015

1. Are all toilet rooms considered floor or building service, depending upon location? Note I have existing hospital building being converted to a social services geared office bldg with individual toilet & shower rooms that will serve one tenant - a tenant that provides alcohol & drug treatment services. Some toilet & shower rooms serve & are accessed from patient rooms & some from corridor. There are many individurooms with 1 toilet & sink throughout bldg.

2. On single tenant floors is elevator lobby & corridors tenant space or floor service?

3. On elevated 1st floor, one of four primary public entry/exit is on elevated bridge above lower grade level courtyard. Is the exterior bridge part of bldg. service corridor?

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
April 7, 2015

Hi Bryan,

1. It would not be reasonable to allocate the toilet & shower rooms to Floor Service or Building Service if it is under a single occupant's control and can not be used by other occupants on the floor. In this case, you should allocate the areas as Occupant Area. This is a common issue that the BOMA Floor Measurement is currently addressing.

2. On a single tenant floor, the elevator lobby and corridor can be Occupant Area.

3. Please clarify. Is the bridge fully enclosed? If you have an image, please send to mail@xmeasures.com.

Bryan Whitley
Charleston County
April 7, 2015

Sorry, I don't have an image. The bridge is covered but open air, with spaced columns supporting a roof. The sides of the bridge have handrails (no walls). This building has a public entry/exit on each side of the building (4 total) each with an interior lobby. Interior corridors connect from lobbies to central bank of elevators. So there are alternate interior means of access. From my read of BOMA-A, it appears to me that it should not be counted as external circulation.

Please confirm, thanks.

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