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This help desk is a free resource intended for discussion purposes only. Neither BOMA, its chapters, affiliates, or Extreme Measures Inc.® are responsible for the information, comments or opinions expressed herein. For complete information, refer to the official publications of the standards themselves.

FAQ & Read-Me Articles
BOMA for Office Overview
BOMA for Industrial Overview
BOMA for Retail Overview
BOMA for Multi-Unit Residential Overview
BOMA Mixed-Use Overview
BOMA Gross Areas Overview
IPMS for Office Overview
Alternative Methodologies
Glossary of Industry Terms
What are as-built drawings / models?
What is CAD and BIM?
How do I resolve an area dispute?
Where can I get measurement standards publications?


Tracy Aitchison
Government of British Columbia
July 11, 2014

Do the BOMA standards include tracking any information on space/FTE?

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
July 11, 2014

Hi Tracy,

Can you elaborate?

Tracy Aitchison
Government of British Columbia
July 14, 2014

Hi David!

I believe that BOMA standards relate only to how space is measured. The group I work for has asked me to find out if BOMA also has any standards for tracking the efficiency of a location. That is how many people can work in a given space. Does BOMA have an standards on how much rentable space is appropriate per employee?


Adam Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
July 14, 2014

Hi Tracy, I'm going to chime in here...

The BOMA Measurement Standards are primarily intended for lease area calculations. The "Gross Areas of a Building" standard is the only exception here and its focus is building valuation, construction, and replacement etc.

None of the BOMA Standards provide direction or comment with respect to usage, equipment, or occupant load.

Tracy Aitchison
Government of British Columbia
July 14, 2014

Thanks for your prompt response. That is the answer I was expecting.


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