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Single Tenant with Retail

michele barnett
Blackney Hayes
August 30, 2012

I have a five story building with retail on the first floor. The upper floors are leased to one tenant. The first floor lobby is only accessed by that tenant. The two end stairs are accessed from a parking garage to the first floor that are used by all. We have some vertical penetrations for HVAC that run to the first floor that are in the tenant's space. They also have an intercommunicating stair that goes to all levels. Can I use the gross sf for the renatble number for the tenant? Would the intercommunicating stair count as a vertical penetration?

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
September 4, 2012

Hi Michele,

Assuming the retail on the first floor is a different tenant, we would consider the building a multi-tenant building, in which case gross building area generally would not be used for leasing purposes. Furthermore, the BOMA 2010 office standard does not include any gross building area calculations. BOMA removed gross building area from the office standard and developed a separate Gross Building Area standard.

The intercommunicating stairwell would not be a vertical penetration if there would otherwise be a floor in the opening created for the stairs. This condition is known as an Occupant Void and is INCLUDED in the occupant area. If the stairwelll is required for egress, it should be considered a vertical penetration.

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