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GLA of a Restaurant in mixed building

Giorgio Dazzan
Giorgio Dazzan & Asc.
March 31, 2012

I have a Restaurant Space in a two story building. The ground Floor has 5,000 SF of office Space and 7,000 SF of Retail and Restaurant Space. The Second floor has 8,000 SF of Office Space.
The Total Office Space is 65%, and the Total Retail/Restaurant is 35%.
I calculated the GLA of the Restaurant that seat on the corner of the building as following:
1. Including the Building outside wall along the side walk.
2. Including the Building outside wall of the backand along the property line.
3. Including half of the common interior demising wall from the other tenant.
4. Including the overhang area on front of the restaurant where street frontage occurs. This area is a Portico Type with columns to support the Overhang of Offices above. Also this area can be used by the restaurant as outdoor seating. I think this inclusion can also be considered as dripline measurement system.
5. Including, in the back, half of an enclosed corridorarea shared with the adjacent tenant as exit to the court yard and used for marchandise delivery.
Where am I wrong????

Adam Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
April 3, 2012


Without seeing the plans, your measurement sounds correct. However, you are only measuring the Occupiable Area. In the office and mixed-use standards, there are load-factors that need to be applied. If the building is calculated under the office standard, then there is a 2-phase "gross-up" for floor common and building common areas. If the building is calculated under the Mixed Use Standard, than at a minimum, MUCA (mixed-use common area) will apply.

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