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Shant Melkonian
February 1, 2012

A year ago, I messured 2 vacant ground-floor contiguous spaces for owner, in a medical/retail/ofc mixed use multi tenant 2-story bldg. as follows:

1. to glass of exterior walls glass was >50% dominant portion).
2. to ctr-line of demising wall.
3. to face of interior boundry wall of suites (on common acsess corridor side).
4. addes the overhang area infront of shops to the useable area.
5. applied a 8% load factor per owner's request for the final renrable number published to prospective tenant who's Architect is now challanging...

What did I do wrong?


Adam Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
February 3, 2012

Hi Shant,

I think we need to clarify which BOMA Standard you are using. You have posted this question to the retail portion of our forum, but it sounds like you are using the BOMA 1996 office standard.

Assuming this is true:

1. Dominant portion is the interior finished surface of exterior walls - so interior glazing where it comprises 50% or more of the vertical height.
2. Correct
3. Correct
4. For retail tenants only, where street frontage occurs, correct
5. Applying a subjective load factor is not an endorsed practice under BOMA 96. Load factors and Rentable Area should be calculated mathematically. This may be the source of the architect's challenge.

Shant Melkonian
February 3, 2012

Thanks for your reply. Yes I used 1996 & since my project was retail, I posted it asa such...

So I can still add front overhangs to retails ONLY per the 2010 retail std.???

You seem to be OK with the 1996 std still being used for 'office' space calc.'s, eventhough 2010 std is out?

Do you reccommend I invest in BOTH BOMA 2010 ofc & retail publications?


Smccid, Los Angeles

Adam Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
February 3, 2012


Many companies still use the 1996 Office Standard. In fact it is probably the most popular BOMA Standard out there. By comparison, the new crop of Standards is much more robust, but the 96 Standard will be in the marketplace for awhile yet.

It is important to understand that the 2010 Retail Standard is totally distinct from the Office Standards (1996 or 2010). The determination of floor areas and the allocation of common area is completely different. In order to properly understand and apply any of the Standards, I strongly recommend you purchase them at www.boma.org.

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